Facial Feminization Surgery
This surgical treatment is a combine operation to maket he face much more feminine. Feminie face has more curvy lines and more rounded and soft forehead and softer bones like rounder lower face and curvy nose. The goal of this surgical treatment is to reach more curvey and smaller upper and lower face.
In facial feminization a few surgcial treatments are involved:
- Rhinoplasty
- Forehead reduction
- Chin and Jaw shaving
- Adam apple shaving
- Upper lip lift
- Buccal fat removal
- Cheek implants
- Eyebrow lifting
- Hairline lowering
In according of doctor’s recommendation a few or all of them will be performed to reach more feminine appearance.
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MTF (Male To Female) SRS
MTF (Male To Female) SRS
Treatment Duration
Facial feminization surgery takes 3-6 hours and will be done under general anaesthetic and the incision will be inside of the mouth ad under the chin and under the columella on nose.
After the surgery 1 night will be needed to hospitalized.
The result of this surgical treatment is permanent.
Possible Complications
Note: Some of the stiches will be removed a few days after the surgery and some of them will be absorbed by themselves. After the surgery will need to use face mask for at least 3 weeks all the day.
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MTF (Male To Female) SRS
MTF (Male To Female) SRS